Lotus and Waterlilies depicts aquatic waterlilies and lotus flowers as viewed by Lesley Friedmann during her summertime swimming excursions in the lakes around her hometown, Victoria, Canada. Lesley delights in gazing upwards through the semitransluscent leaves as she dives under lily pads and other fresh water plants. This unusual underwater perspective has come to define Lesley's recent painting subject matter. Through the lens of her snorkel, she has discovered the diverse aquatic and marine worlds hidden beneath the surface of the water. In this environment, Lesley spends hours studying unique plant life and animals going about their daily activities in their aquatic habitat. Their vibrant colours and unusual shapes are often times distored by water. By honing her keen eye, Lesley studies how the movement of water and the diffusion of light affects how we see them. Her dynamic, colourful, and striking compositions highlight her ability to transform what she sees into striking works of art.